Evaluating the Jurisprudence of Sovereignty in John Austin


  • Ikenga K. E. Oraegbunam, PhD Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka Autor/in


John Austin’s theory of sovereignty was espoused in his Province of Jurisprudence Determined (1832). Predisposed by the Hobbesian Leviathan, Austin’s view is still quite distinct and unique. In his legal or monistic theory of sovereignty there is a line drawn between law and morality. Austin further affirms that every positive law is directly or circuitously issued by a sovereign person or body to members of the independent political society wherein that person or body is sovereign or supreme. In Austin, sovereignty is absolute, indivisible, permanent, and always resides in the determinate person or in a body of persons. He sees it as an integral and most potent weapon of a state without which it is impossible to function as such. Thus, the determinate human superior is the only law-maker. His commands are laws and without him the state can have no laws. This study critically appraised Austin’s theory of sovereignty, weighing its effectiveness and feasibility of practice in modern day governance of independent political societies and states. This inquiry adopted the methods of analysis and hermeneutics, breaking down some of the complex concepts used in the theory and interpreting the use and meaning of terms for easy understanding and appreciation. It is discovered that although Austin understands sovereignty as an integral and necessary element of a states” existence, his view is antithetic to popular sovereignty, self-determination of nations within a sovereign state and public opinion as he vests unlimited power in the sovereign. The study concludes that while taking into cognizance the importance of sovereignty in a state as Austin opines, one would not accept his view that the sovereign is absolute and indivisible in the light of other indices that impact on the dynamics of societal growth and development of states.


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Author Biography

  • Ikenga K. E. Oraegbunam, PhD, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka

    Ikenga K. E. Oraegbunam, PhD is Professor of Law and Jurisprudence and formerly the Head of Department of International Law and Jurisprudence, Faculty of Law, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, 
    Nigeria. He holds three PhDs respectively in Civil Law (majoring in Criminal Jurisprudence); Philosophy of Human Rights Law; and Religion and Society (with particular reference to Islam and Human 
    Rights). He is a Legal Adviser and Clergyman with the Catholic Archdiocese of Onitsha, Nigeria; and a Solicitor and Advocate of the Supreme Court of Nigeria. He was the General Secretary of Nigeria 
    Association of Law Teachers (NALT). Ikenga has MEd degree of the Institute of Advanced Philosophy for Children, Montclair State University, New Jersey, USA. He was the Editor-in-Chief of 'Nnamdi 
    Azikiwe University Journal of International Law and Jurisprudence' from 2012 to 2019. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of 'International Review of Law and Jurisprudence', 'International Journal of 
    Comparative Law and Legal Philosophy'; ‘International Journal of Law and Clinical Legal Education’; ‘Law and Social Justice Review’; and ‘African Customary and Religious Law Review’. He also serves as the 
    Managing/General Editor of both 'African Journal of Law and Human Rights' and 'African Journal of Criminal Law and Jurisprudence'. He is an Adjunct Professor of Legal Philosophy at the St. Pope John Paul II Major Seminary, Okpuno. He has authored over 200 scholarly articles in the fields of Law, Jurisprudence, Philosophy, Religion, and Christian Theology. Ikenga is a member of Governing Council of 
    Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe. Nigeria. He is a member of Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Philosophers Association of Nigeria (PAN) (formerly, Nigerian Philosophical Association—
    NPA), International Society for African Philosophy and Studies (ISAPS), International Philosophical Union (IPU) with Headquarters in Canada, Catholic Theological Association of Nigeria (CATHAN), 
    Association of Global South (formerly, Third World) Studies (AGSS) USA, African Studies and Research Forum (ASRF) USA. He serves in various Church, State and University committees and panels. 




How to Cite

Evaluating the Jurisprudence of Sovereignty in John Austin. (2022). Madonna University Thought and Action Journal of Philosophy, 1(2), 1-12. https://mu-tajop.com/index.php/journal/article/view/21